
Membership of AKBE is open to corporate bodies or individuals with a genuine professional and active interest in MICE/Business Events management and services as prescribed in our By-laws.

Joining Fees: KES 15,000, to be paid once.

Eligibility to join AKBE

A corporate body or person shall be eligible for admission as a member provided that such persons or corporate body is:

  1. Actively interested in promoting objectives of AKBE;

  2. Engaged in Business Events management and services;

  3. In association with the administration of business events;

  4. Meeting the eligibility criteria stipulated in our constitution and the by-laws for the appropriate category of membership, and

  5. A member on payment of the fees provided for in our by-laws.

Membership Categories and Annual Membership Fees

Joining Fee (paid only once): Joining Fee of KES. 15,000 shall be payable by an eligible entity. On payment, they will enter the list of Members and receive a lifetime Certificate of Membership. Membership is open to organizations involved in Business Events / MICE in Kenya including; Hotels, Venues, Events Companies, Professional Events Organizers (PCOs), Destination Marketing Companies (DMCs), Events Suppliers, Transportation & Logistics Companies, Media etc.

Kes. 2,000

Only university, Kenya Utalii College, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institution and other tertiary level hospitality, hotel and tourism program students and faculty are allowed this membership.

KES. 6,000

Membership for an individual who is or has been actively involved in the business events industry. Membership will not reflect a company name and is not transferable. Use of the AKBE logo is for the Individual only and not for a company website and other such marketing collateral.

Kes. 30,000

Membership allows for listing of three (3) representatives. A top up fee of Kes. 10,000 is payable for additional listings up to 7 members (8 automatically becomes a Silver member). Representatives are transferable and the AKBE logo may be used on the website and marketing collateral.

Kes. 90,000

Membership allows for eight (8) representatives to be listed. A top up fee of Kes. 4,000 may be made for additional listings up to 19 members (20 automatically becomes a Gold member). Representatives are transferable. AKBE logo may be used on the website and marketing collateral.

Kes. 200,000

Membership allows for twenty (20) representatives to be listed. A top up fee of Kes. 3,000 is payable for additional listings with no limitation. Representatives are transferable. AKBE logo may be used on the website and marketing collateral.

Kes. 40,000

Membership allows for three (3) representatives to be listed with no top up. Companies must have a full time business events operation in Africa. Proof of official business registration within the country of operation must be provided.

Kes. 60,000

Membership allows for three (3) representatives to be listed with no top up. Companies that operate in the business events sector and have an office or affiliation with a Kenyan or African registered company in the industry are eligible. Proof of official business registration and tax certificate in the country of operation must be provided.


The AKBE Board of Directors may appoint an honorary life member as a tribute to outstanding accomplishments in business events and dedicated services to the association. Nominations should be submitted in writing to the chief executive officer for consideration at the next board meeting. Submissions will be accepted only on a unanimous vote.


This is for entities that have a sponsorship memorandum of understanding (MoU) with AKBE for services received from said company for a minimum period of one (1) year. Such services are as follows but not limited to: speakers/ beverages/ member benefits etc. An official proposal must be submitted to the chief executive officer for discussion at the next board meeting. The MoU must be submitted for approval by the majority vote of the board of directors and will be reviewed on an annual basis.

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